The General Records Retention Schedules are currently being revised. To provide feedback on the draft revisions, please contact Records Management at 803-896-6128 or The schedules listed below are still in use until the current revisions are complete.
General Records Retention Schedules
State Agency General Schedules
General Records Retention Schedules for State Colleges and Universities (Revised 2003)
General Records Retention Schedules for Administrative Records (Revised 2002)
General Records Retention Schedules for Personnel Records (Revised 2002)
General Records Retention Schedules for Financial Records (Revised 2002)
General Records Retention Schedules for Data Processing
Local Government General Schedules
General Records Retention Schedules for School District Records (Revised 2003)
General Records Retention Schedules for Municipal Records (Revised 2003)
General Records Retention Schedules for County Records (Revised 2002)
Retention Schedules for County Clerk of Court Records, from Clerk of Court Manual, South Carolina Judicial Department Website (These schedules were prepared in conjunction with the South Carolina Archives.)
Retention Schedules for Magistrate and Municipal Court Records, from the Bench Book for Magistrates and Municipal court Judges, South Carolina Judicial Department Website (These schedules were prepared in conjunction with the South Carolina Archives.)
Retention Schedules for Probate Court Records, from the South Carolina Supreme Court Administrative Order for Probate Courts. (These schedules are in accordance with the standards set by the South Carolina Archives.)
*General Schedules are in PDF format.
Important information for users of these General Schedules:
These schedules apply only to the records of the type government for which they were approved by the General Assembly. Before using the general schedules, please read the information on how to use the schedules and carefully note to whom or to what type records the schedules apply and to whom the schedules do not apply. If you have questions about the general schedules, contact the Records Management Division at 803-896-6128.
Destruction Reporting Requirements:
During the 2003 session of the General Assembly revisions/additions to the municipalities, local school districts, and state colleges and universities general schedules were approved as state regulations. In 2002, revisions/additions to the general schedules for state agency administrative, personnel, and financial records and general schedules for county records were approved as state regulations. The use of these general schedules no longer requires prior approval from the Archives before records are destroyed. To use these schedules, complete an ARM-11 Report on Records Destroyed form and follow the instructions for reporting destruction to the Archives.