Association for Preservation Technology
APT is a professional organization that focuses on the technical aspects of historic preservation projects.
National Park Service’s (NPS) Technical Preservation Services: develops policy and guidance to assist owners, preservation professionals, organizations, and government agencies preserve, restore, and rehabilitate historic buildings.
- Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Properties details the four approaches to treatment of historic buildings using the Standards and Guidelines.
- Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation are used to review the appropriateness of project work assisted with federal funds, licenses or tax incentives. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) also uses the Standards for Rehabilitation for reviewing projects that fall under state legislation.
- Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings help readers apply the Standards for Rehabilitation by providing general design and technical recommendations.
- Interpreting the Standards Bulletins gives example of project decisions that both do and don't meet the Standards for Rehabilitation.
- Preservation Briefs are designed to give owners, managers, and developers of historic properties expert advice on common preservation challenges.
- Preservation Tech Notes provide information about innovative techniques in preserving historic buildings.
- Publications provides a list of free and for cost NPS publications.
- Online Training is the central homepage for online education guidance, including the Rehab Yes/No Learning Program, and topics such as exterior maintenance and repair, managing moisture, understanding roofing materials and systems, and identifying the historic character of buildings.
- Weatherization is a guide to improving the energy efficiency of historic buildings.
Partners for Sacred Places is a non-profit group that provides guidance and assistance for historic religious buildings.
Traditional Building Magazine provides information about suppliers or companies that specialize in particular products or materials for rehabilitation projects.
US General Services Administration's (GSA) Technical Documents provides technical specifications, guidance, and resource information for planning and executing historic building projects.
US Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and Assemblies is useful to preservationists, architects, design consultants, engineers, and building code officials in addressing code compliance challenges in older or historic buildings.
Whole Building Design Guide’s Historic Preservation section and “Resource Pages” provides practitioners with extensive information on a wide range of building-related guidance, criteria and technology from a 'whole buildings' perspective.
Asbestos Abatement Guide (PDF)
Lead Resource Guide (PDF)
See also our Historic Preservation = Sustainability webpage for related resources.