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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Listing a Property

Listing a Property in the National Register of Historic Places

The Nomination Process

  1. Check SC ArchSite to see if the property may have been previously evaluated for National Register eligibility. If the property is unevaluated, or needs to be re-evaluated, complete and submit a Preliminary Information Form (PDF) to the SHPO. For more information on what makes a property eligible, please see National Register Bulletin 15 (PDF). For research help, please see Useful Sources for Researching Historic Properties (PDF).
  2. If the property is determined eligible, complete the nomination form (DOC) or hire a consultant to complete the nomination for you. For guidance on how to complete the form, please see National Register Bulletin 16A (PDF)and the SHPO Supplemental Instructions (PDF). ***If you are submitting documentation to update an existing nomination (Boundary Increase and/or Additional Documentation), please contact the SHPO prior to beginning work on the nomination***
  3. Before submitting a draft, check that the nomination meets the SHPO's Submittal Requirements (PDF). Send the completed draft nomination to Virginia Harness for review in a .doc format with images sent as separate .jpegs or .tiffs. For large files, please use a file transfer service to submit the nomination. Staff will provide the preparer with edits and review comments on the draft as needed. Most nominations go through at least one round of revisions by the preparer. More than one round of revisions may be necessary to ensure the documentation meets National Park Service (NPS) standards. Anticipate that it will take a minimum of 9-12 months from first draft to listing, though some nominations take longer.
  4. When the nomination is finalized it will be placed on the next available agenda* for the South Carolina State Board of Review (Review Board). A brief presentation will be made by the nomination preparer to the Review Board about the property and its significance.
  5. Once approved by the Review Board, within 45 days the nomination will be sent to Washington D.C. for approval by the Keeper of the National Register at NPS. If the owner/majority of owners object to listing, the nomination will be forwarded to the Keeper for an official determination of eligibility, but not listed.
  6. If the nomination is approved by NPS, the property will be officially listed and the owner will receive a confirmation letter from the SHPO. Nominations and select photos for listed properties will be made available online via the South Carolina Historic Properties Record (SCHPR).
  7. If the nomination is returned by NPS, the preparer will be responsible for addressing the return comments. SHPO staff will have limited availability to assist with returns. Once return comments are adequately addressed, the nomination will be submitted to NPS for reconsideration.

*Complete draft nominations received by the SHPO at least 90 days prior to the Review Board meeting date will be given priority consideration for inclusion on the upcoming agenda. However, submission of a complete nomination prior to this deadline does not guarantee inclusion on the agenda. Incomplete nominations will not be considered.

Results of Listing