Announcing SC SHRAB Regrant Recipients and Projects Funded for 2024
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) awarded the SC SHRAB $80,000 to regrant to South Carolina’s local governments, historical records repositories, and professional organizations. Recipients and projects for the 2024-2025 grant cycle are listed below.
- Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture
To digitize, preserve and make publicly accessible photographic negatives and prints from the Walter N. Boags collection, which document the educational, cultural, and social life of black Charlestonians from the 19440s to the 1980s. The Center has pledged $15,585.00 in matching funds and $100.00 in in-kind funds for archival supplies, digitization services, and public programs.
- Belton Area Museum Association
To digitize, preserve and make publicly accessible a collection of documents pertaining to the history of the railroad in Belton, including deeds and leases dating to the early 1900s. The museum has pledged $1,433.70 in matching funds for an archivist salary and has pledged $1,000.00 in in-kind funds for a volunteer assistant.
- City of Charleston
To preserve and make publicly accessible a collection of maps, plats, surveys, and architectural drawings circa 1878-2004. The city has pledged $2,490.00 in matching funds for the purchase of archival software and $2,457.00 in in-kind funds for an academic intern.
- Greenville County Historical Society
To preserve and make publicly accessible a collection of documents circa 1780-1900 of the Vardry McBee Family and to develop a Disaster Preparedness Plan. The society has pledged an in-kind match of $3,135.00 for volunteer project staff time.
- McKissick Museum, University of South Carolina
To digitize, preserve and make publicly accessible the paper-based materials of the Folklife Resource Center that document South Carolina’s traditional artists and culture bearers. The museum has pledged $733.75 in matching funds for archival storage supplies and has pledged $9,989.28 in in-kind funds for project staff time.
- City of Mullins/South Carolina Tobacco Museum
To digitize, preserve, and make publicly accessible city meeting minutes from 1913 to 1970. The city has pledged $393.00 in matching funds for an archival storage supplies and has pledged $2,325.46 in in-kind funds for project staff time.
- South Carolina Historical Society
To offer free presentations throughout South Carolina discussing strategies and tips for organizations, chiefly religious, on how to organize, preserve, and make accessible records. The society has pledged $2,389.97 in in-kind funds for staff project time and related travel.
- Upcountry History Museum
To digitize, preserve, and make publicly accessible a selection of interviews circa 1980 to 2023 from the Oral History Collection. The museum has pledged $1,201.45 in in-kind funds for staff project time.
- The Village Museum
To describe and make publicly accessible a collection of family notebooks related to the town of McClellanville. The museum has pledged $3,250.00 in matching funds for the salary of three contractual technicians and has pledged $3,600.00 in in-kind funds for staff project time.
Regrant Guidelines are available at the following link: Guidelines
Contact Erin Lowry, SHRAB Coordinator, at scshrab@scdah.sc.gov or 803-896-6128 with questions.