2022-2023 SC SHRAB Regrant Program Projects
The 2022-2023 SC SHRAB Regrant Program awarded twelve projects with funding support from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).
Details on these successful projects follows:
1. Belton Area Museum Association
Rehoused four boxes and digitized 1081 pages of records of the Smythe/Cheshire/Blake Collection from 1861-1948. Boxes include two documents boxes measuring 7x12 ¼ x10 ¼, a postcard box for 4x6 postcards, and a final box measuring 19x25x2 ½ which are available in the online collections database. Total project cost of $6,025.17.
2. Charleston Library Society
Digitized 148-page hand written journal (156 images), Proceedings of the Clionian Debating Society, 1847-1851, containing the first half of the Society’s minutes, including an extensive bibliographic description on the CLS OPAC (online public access catalog), a detailed LibGuide, and a comprehensive entry into World Cat. Total project cost of $6,330.47.
3. Cherokee Historical and Preservation Society
Created a finding aid and accessioned into PastPerfect, 54 cubic feet of documents in the George Earl Jefferies Collection, encompassing historical documents related to Cherokee County, including biographical and genealogical accounts, records of local cemeteries and churches, journals, maps, newspapers, and photographs. Total project cost $6,801.68.
4. Cultural and Heritage Commission of York County
Preserved 32.23 cubic feet of York County Court of Common Pleas Judgment Rolls, from 1840-1869, of 20, 274 images on 5 rolls of 16mm microfilm with security rolls provided to the SC Department of Archives and History. Total project cost $10,722.38.
5. Pendleton District Commission
Digitized 1.43 cubic feet (1,206 images/pages) and made publicly-accessible records of six ledgers from the late 19th and early 20th century in Anderson County, including the Hunter Store ledgers (1845-1910), Negro Book no. 2, 1918 Major Family Tenant Farmers Account Book, 1895 George E. Smith General Store Ledger, 1874 Magee & Palmer General Store Ledger, and Orr, Gray, and Company Druggists (1905, 1911, 1914). Total project cost $5,244.70.
6. Piedmont Historical Preservation Society
Rehoused and reshelved 49.9 cubic feet for four collections: Piedmont Mill and Village (1876-2003), Don Roper Piedmont Historical (1860-2010), Margaret Payne (1715-2000), and Henry P. Hammett (1860-1960) and created a detailed finding aid on their website. Total project cost $16,215.37.
7. South Carolina Historical Society
Provided thirteen free statewide presentations of “What’s in your attic?” discussing the benefits of donating materials to intuitions, the questions potential donors should ask of an institution, and describing the donation process. Presentations also recommended basic preservation methods for materials maintained by individuals. Total project cost $6,593.41.
8. St. Matthew's Lutheran Church
Digitized 58 records and 318 images of two new collections: Hampstead and Bethany Cemeteries (1813-1970) and Parish Records (1840-1901). Also reviewed and revised the church Disaster Preparedness Plan and created an Acquisition/Collection Policy. Total project cost $6,230.68.
9. Summerville Dorchester Museum
Rehoused 600 cubic feet of books, pamphlets, and papers, from their collection ranging from the late 19th to early 20th century. Also digitized 11 pamphlets (334 pages) and 19 pages of loose papers to be included in the Lowcountry Digital Library public database. Total project cost $15,763.48.
10. Town of Sullivan's Island
Digitized three volumes, two cubic feet, of meeting minutes from 1895 to 1936, and 59 loose papers consisting of mostly documents and notes stored in the pages of Volume 3 (1919 – 1936), for the Town of Moultrieville, which became the Township of Sullivan’s Island, to produce 1556 of preservation (tiff) and access (jpeg) files available at the Lowcounty Digital Library. Total project cost $6,266.33
11. Upcountry History Museum
Rehoused and entered descriptions in PastPerfect, of textile mill photos to include 4 collections: The Reeves Brothers/Mills Mill Collection (1939-c.1970), Her Majesty Industries Collection (c.1958), Greer Mill Collection (1926-1942), and Appleton Mill Collection (1926-1980) for a total of 6.5 cubic feet as well as 391 oversized documents. Total project cost $5,209.47.
12. Winthrop University - Louise Pettus Archives
Completed and uploaded to online platform eleven transcriptions, including four annotated transcriptions by Dr. George Garrison focusing on the history of the Emmett Scott School, an African American school existing during the Civil Rights Movement in Rock Hill, SC. The interviews with transcriptions include: George Land and Samuel Foster, Jacquelyn McGirt, Carl Knighton, Carrie Colns, Emily Richardson Ivy, and James Barnes; and the interviews with annotated transcriptions include: Josephine Jordan and Bleaker Blake, Henrietta Moore, Eliza Walker Mills, and Nathaniel Jaggers. Total project cost $2,469.34.
Contact Erin Lowry, SHRAB Coordinator, at scshrab@scdah.sc.gov or 803-896-6128 with questions.