A Blog Post by Chris Condon
Who am I?
Originally from Bessemer City, North Carolina, I enlisted in the United States Navy in 1997 in order to see the world. What no one tells you is the world is 70% water.
But I was fortunate to visit the parts of the other 30% not covered in water, including Germany, Spain, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bahrain, Australia, as well as a variety of states in our great country. Upon my retirement in 2017, I chose to settle here in South Carolina and attend the University of South Carolina.
I received my B.A. in History from the University of South Carolina in 2019 and my Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University’s School of Information Science in 2022. In my spare time I enjoy reading, fishing, and camping.
What is your job?
I am the Local Records Analyst assigned to the Records Services Branch at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History. I am the liaison between the State Archives and the counties, municipalities, school districts, and special purpose districts located in the state of South Carolina.
I advise local agencies on the regulations that govern the disposition of their public records, coordinate training for local agencies, assist in the creation of special retention schedules, and receive and review documentation relating to the application of local records management.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I enjoy helping people understand how to manage and preserve their official government records, documents which are used by government officials to use in the administration of government affairs and hold that government accountable by its citizens. They are also a record that documents the history of a society, one that can be referred to today and generations from now.
Who is your favorite historical figure or time period?
The time period and location I am most interested in is North America during the Colonial Period beginning in the late 15th century to the end of Reconstruction in 1877, specifically in the American South. I find it interesting because it is the story of us as Americans, both the good and the bad. That story can help us understand how we have developed into the society we have today as well as address the transgressions of the past