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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Section 106 Process

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their "undertakings" on historic properties listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The Section 106 process seeks to accommodate historic preservation concerns with the needs of Federal undertakings through consultation among the agency official and other parties with an interest in the effects of the undertaking on historic properties. The goal of of consultation is to identify historic properties potentially effected by the undertaking, assess its effects and seek ways to avoid, minimize, or mitigate adverse effects on historic properties.

The Federal agency official or its delegated authority (including applicants) is responsible for initiating Section 106 review and for fulfilling the requirements of the Section 106 regulations at 36 CFR 800

Section 106 of the NHPA is administered by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP). 


The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) reflects the interests of the State and its citizens in the preservation of their cultural heritage. The SHPO advises and assists Federal agencies in carrying out their section 106 responsibilities and cooperates with such agencies, local governments and organizations and individuals to ensure that historic properties are taken into consideration at all levels of planning and development.

Initiating Consultation / Request a Letter from the SHPO

Consult our SHPO Project Review Staff and Assigned Agency Responsibilities (PDF) to determine the applicable reviewer for your project/undertaking.

Federal agencies, their delegated authority, and/or applicants for federal assistance should initiate project review consultation by providing the following documentation about a proposed federal undertaking in mailed hard copy to our office: 

A completed Section 106 Project Review Form (PDF)

  • The Form must be completed in its entirety, as it is not the SHPO’s responsibility to identify historic properties or to make a determination of effect of the undertaking on historic properties.
  • The appropriate federal agency information must be indicated on the Form. Contact the federal agency requiring consultation with the SHPO for this information. For US Housing and Urban Development projects under 24 CFR 58, the local government is the federal agency/responsible entity.
  • Include email contact information for all parties that are to receive our response via email. We no longer respond via mailed hard copy, unless requested.
  • One (1) Project Review Form may be utilized for batching undertakings that are duplicative in scope and within geographic areas no larger than a single county.
  • This a fillable PDF, but you may also print and complete by hand. A double-sided print is acceptable.

Map(s) indicating:

  • The precise location of the project and extent of the Area of Potential Effect (APE), not too zoomed in or out in scale.
  • Include a subscriber or public view SC ArchSite (GIS) map indicating the precise location of the project and extent of the Area of Potential Effect (APE). SC ArchSite is an online inventory of all known cultural resources in South Carolina.
    SC ArchSite can be directly accessed at
  • In urban areas, a detailed city map and/or parcel map.

Current, high resolution color photographs (2 photos max per page) illustrating:

  • For all projects, views to and from the overall project location and extent of the Area of Potential Effect (APE), showing the relationship to adjacent buildings, structures, or sites.
  • For new construction or projects including ground disturbing activities, ground and/or aerial views documenting previous ground disturbance and existing site conditions.
  • For building or structure rehabilitation projects, full views of each side (if possible), views of important architectural details, and views of areas that will be affected by proposed alterations or rehabilitation work to the exterior or interior.
  • Photographs must describe or label the views presented, or be keyed to a site map.
  • Black and white photocopied, unclear, thumbnail, or obstructed view photographs are not acceptable.

Project plans (if applicable and available) including:

  • Scopes of work and/or project narratives
  • Site plans or sketches (existing vs proposed)
  • Project drawings and specifications for work on a historic building or structure
  • Elevations

Note: Projects involving the rehabilitation of a building listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places must also provide a completed Historic Building Supplement (PDF) in addition to this Form. See the Instructions (PDF). Please see our Resources for Rehabilitation Projects for guidance for work on historic buildings.

If you are submitting an archaeological and/or architectural or above-ground survey please consult our Electronic Submission Requirements for Planning Surveys and Review & Compliance Surveys (PDF).

If you are submitting an anticipatory or due diligence project please consult our Guidance for Reviews of Anticipatory and Due Diligence Projects (PDF)

For Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licensed undertakings please follow the requirements contained in the Nationwide Programmatic Agreements for new tower construction and collocation of communications equipment on existing structures. We do participate in the FCC’s online E-106/TCNS system. Please do not send us hardcopies if you use the system.


  • Please send the completed Form along with supporting documentation to: 
    Review & Compliance Program, SC Department of Archives & History, 8301 Parklane Road, Columbia, SC 29223.
  • Project Review Forms and supporting documentation will not be accepted via fax or e-mail. We recommend that you use certified mail, FedEx, or UPS to determine if your project has been delivered. Incomplete Forms and review submittals will be returned for additional information without review.
  • Requests for additional information:  If we need additional information about a project our office may request photographs, architectural/engineering plans/drawings and specifications, comments from consulting parties, site visits, and/or archaeological or architectural surveys.
  • The SHPO has 30 calendar days per federal regulations to review your project, beginning from the date of receipt of all complete and adequately documented project review documentation. Review time is often less than 30 days. If additional information is requested, the 30 day review period begins anew from the date of receipt of the new information. It is very important to fully complete the Project Review Form and submit all applicable supporting documentation in order to facilitate the review. We have 45 days per SHPO policy to review due diligence projects.
  • Agencies or delegated authorities (including applicants) may find it advantageous to hire a historic preservation professional with expertise in history, architectural history, and/or archaeology. See our Project Professionals Lists.

For More Information

The SHPO provides additional guidance and information regarding the survey and identification of historic properties, consulting parties, agreements, resource types, and Section 106 questions through our Review & Compliance/Section 106 main page and on our Historic Properties Research webpage.

Please note that archaeological site information is managed and maintained by the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA). The SCIAA website contains information on how to access their site files and set up an appointment.